Missions Conference

"Declare His Glory"

March 16-17, 2024

Please join us for our annual Missions Conference! Come hear updates from our missionaries, enjoy food and fellowship, and listen to our guest speaker, Derek Thomas.

Further details are coming soon!

Faith Promise

Redeeming Grace is currently supporting 19 missionary families and 3 agencies.

The Faith Promise is a special gift that supports our missionaries and agencies. It also allows for the committee to distribute special one-time ministry needs once per year.

How to make a Faith Promise:

If you feel lead to give a faith promise, you may do so in one of the following ways:

1. Please click the following link to make a faith promise online. Give Online

2. Write a check and mark it for "Faith Promise". You can mail it (please write "Attention: Jerry Glenn" on the envelope) or drop it off at the church office.